Public sponsors

Ademe is the French agency for the environment and the management of energy. It provides expertise and advisory services to businesses, local authorities and communities, government bodies and the public at large, to enable them to establish and consolidate their environmental action. As part of this work, the agency helps finance projects, from research to implementation, in its areas of action.
It has supported Kemiwatt with a grant of €220,000 for a redox flow battery prototype.

BPI France is the French business development agency. It provides assistance from early stages to market development, with a wide range of financial instruments, including grants, loans, capital, guarantees, advisory services, in order to support innovation, growth or international expansion.
BPI France has helped Kemiwatt with a grant of €50,000 for a feasibility study and the management of the i-lab grant of €325,000 by the Ministry for higher education and research. It is also in charge of managing €2m. Kemiwatt has been awarded from the Concours Mondial d’Innovation.

The French Ministry for Higher Education and Research organizes the i-lab contest each year in order to select the best companies and projects based on public research.
Kemiwatt was a winner and one of the five grand prizes of i-lab in 2015 and was awarded a €325,000 grant.

As part of its economic development policies, the Regional Council of Brittany actively supports business.
It has teamed up with BPI France in 2015 to provide half of a €100,000 grant to Kemiwatt for a feasibility study on its innovative redox flow battery technology.